
Still Plugging Along......No, Really!

Believe it or not, I haven't abandoned this blog and I'm not the worst procrastinator in the world (pretty bad at times though!).  Getting started on RPM has proven to be a more time consuming task than I first thought, combined with my other childrens' needs and Aidan going through a trying time everything is moving like molasses, but at least moving! 
Over the past several weeks Aidan has been dealing with a toothache (surgery is scheduled for 3/9), and resistance to his toilet training at school, which is getting a necessary boost.  Because of these things I think it might be wise to hold off a little longer on introducing another new and challenging thing. I'm thinking that maybe about two more weeks or so will be a good time to get started....
I've been talking to another mom who teaches her son using RPM, who has been a great help and inspiration to me, and this has really helped me to stay focused during this chaotic time.  I think I'd be way more off track without her helpful insights!
So, believe it or not, I am STILL plugging along,  SO eager to get started but a little stuck.....I think Ava is feeling it too....hang in there my little monsters :)