

Check out this project, this book is going to be amazing!  I read the first chapter and can't wait to see more!


RPM, iPads, and College Degrees....Oh, my!

To say things have been absolutely insane, chaotic and overwhelming should go without saying, but I had to say it anyway.  I did, however, swear to myself that I wouldn't yet it get to the one year anniversary of my latest post and I will keep that promise!  I'm not sure exactly where to begin because the activity has been nonstop whether I am keeping up with it or not.
RPM has been a bit on-and-off for both Aidan's and my liking but it's looking more on in the very near future.  Our progress was slowed by many factors, including my (insane but not regretted, at least yet!) decision to go back to school and get a degree in teaching.  I think I'm starting to get the hang of it....
We have also added iPads to our communication aids, which are amazing but also make me really want to get back to RPM, because I don't want anyone reliant on technology alone for communication.  So far, Ava is far more interested in the iPad anyway, but as I set up the communication apps more I think Aidan will start to appreciate it.  Right now he mainly thinks it's for YouTube...
Devlin continues to enjoy zombies, and seeing as he is entering his teenage years is exploring ways to be obnoxious.  His latest is blasting rap, which I try to ignore but somehow they know....they just know...  He has, of course, managed to charm his new school with his awesome Devlinness.  He's going to be in a school play next month as well as kicking a$$ in the Special olympics.
Lillith has gone through several changes in name, political parties, diet (vegetarian or carnivore?)...all of which are permanent and we must remember them and "treat" her as such...if we don't  its countless hours of psychological torture and if we do it's, well, countless hours of psychological torture.  On the up side, she made the honor roll and is running a 5k race on Sunday.  
Hmmmm, what else?  Guess that's it, and believe me it's enough for now!